

Estate Planning When an Heir has a 药物滥用 Issue - Young Moore  Attorneys

The United States Drug Enforcement 政府 (DEA) has created a 一粒药可致人死亡 campaign to help spread the word about the risks of Fentanyl.  这 网站 provides very compelling statistics and valuable resources:
  • 缉获数据- 2023年,缉毒局缴获了78多件.4 million fentanyl-laced fake pills and nearly 一万二千磅芬太尼粉末.  The 2023 seizures are equivalent to more than 388.8 百万剂量的致命芬太尼.
  • 一些识别假药的技巧
  • 资源
  • 一粒药丸可以毁掉一个故事
  • 一粒药丸就能毁掉社交媒体活动

Young Americans in Socorro are facing a mental health crisis. 疾控中心最近的一份报告 found 1 in 4 people aged 18-24 have seriously thought about suicide in the last 30 天.

Students in Socorro are experiencing unprecedented rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness, with many turning to alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism. 每年 93,000 Americans die due to alcohol-related causes.



The National Institute on Drug Abuse along with Dr. 诺拉·维尔科(NIDA主任) talk about the risks of people with a substance use disorder contracting Covid-19.



If you are struggling with substance abuse, please refer to the following contact 各种本地资源的信息. 



To learn more about specific addiction and for addtional resources. 他们提供有益的 information about drug and alcohol abuse, treatment options, and resources. 他们提供 方便拨打求助热线、进行调查等. 它是唯一的数字资源 founded by recovering addicts and ASAM board-certified addiction specialists. 他们的服务是 完全免费和自筹资金! 要了解更多或获得帮助,请致电 (866) 420-2488.  



点击 on the link for some addiction hotlines.

http://www.addictionresource.net/addiction-hotlines /.

这是一个 医学综述 (shown in the top right corner) list of addiction hotlines. 他们以自杀的方式工作 而其他危机线确实如此 confidential, free, and are available 365 天 a year and 24 hours a day. 

The resource page also provides community-specific hotlines for veterans, the LGBTQ community, sexual assault victims, and domestic violence. 除此之外,它还谈到 what kind of questions a drug hotline might ask and what you can expect from calling 除其他外,还有一条热线.



Alcohol Rehab Help is an informational web guide created for people struggling with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and co-occurring mental health disorders. 不仅如此 we offer information on Alcohol Use Disorder, but we also have comprehensive information 关于治疗方案. 

你可以在以下网址查看戒酒帮助: http://alcoholrehabhelp.org/博客/酒的/



外部资源 药物滥用(博客)

Riverside 复苏 Center in Tampa Florida, has an informational blog regarding substance 虐待与康复. T在这里 are various articles that may be helpful and interesting especially if you or a loved one is dealing with substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, 等.). 查看他们博客页面上的资源 在这里.



